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Why is My Gum Still Bleeding After a Tooth Extraction?

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why is my gum still bleeding after a tooth extraction?

Dealing with a tooth extraction can be a bit unsettling, especially when you notice your gums are still bleeding after the procedure. It’s natural to have concerns about this. So, let’s delve into why this might be happening and what you can do about it.

Firstly, a tooth extraction in NW Calgary involves removing a tooth from its socket in the bone. It’s a common dental procedure for various reasons, such as severe decay, damage, or overcrowding. Bleeding after extraction is normal, as is your body’s natural response to the wound created during the process.

However, persistent bleeding beyond the initial 24 hours might raise some flags. Here are a few potential reasons why your gums might still be bleeding:

  1. Blood Clot Displacement: After a tooth extraction, a blood clot forms in the socket to protect the bone and nerves beneath. If this clot gets dislodged prematurely due to factors like rinsing forcefully, smoking, or poking the area with your tongue or fingers, it can result in continued bleeding.
  2. Poor Blood Clot Formation: Sometimes, the blood clot doesn’t form properly or breaks down too soon. It can be due to a variety of reasons, such as excessive rinsing or spitting, using a straw, or certain medications that affect blood clotting.
  3. Underlying Health Conditions: Conditions such as haemophilia or certain blood disorders can interfere with the blood’s ability to clot properly, leading to prolonged bleeding post-extraction.
  4. Infection: Infections can delay the healing process and cause ongoing bleeding. If you notice excessive pain, swelling, or a foul taste in your mouth, it could indicate an infection.
  5. Trauma to the Extraction Site: Accidentally biting down on the extraction site or rough handling during brushing can disrupt the healing process and cause bleeding.

Now that we’ve identified some potential reasons, here’s what you can do to help stop the bleeding:

  • Apply Pressure: Fold a clean gauze or tea bag and place it over the extraction site. Bite down gently but firmly for about 30 minutes. Repeat if necessary.
  • Avoid Disturbing the Area: Refrain from poking the extraction site with your tongue, fingers, or any objects. Also, avoid vigorous rinsing or spitting.
  • Follow Post-Extraction Instructions: Your dentist near you likely provided you with specific instructions to aid in the healing process. Follow these diligently, including taking prescribed medications and avoiding strenuous activities.
  • Use Ice Packs: Applying an ice pack to the cheek outside the extraction area can help reduce swelling and slow down bleeding.
  • Stick to Soft Foods: Opt for a soft diet to avoid any further trauma to the extraction site. Soups, mashed potatoes, and yoghurt are good options.
  • Maintain Oral Hygiene: Gently rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution after 24 hours to keep the area clean. However, be careful not to rinse too vigorously.

If, despite these measures, the bleeding persists beyond a day or two, it’s crucial to contact your dentist. They can assess the situation and determine if further intervention is needed. Additionally, if you experience severe pain, fever, or excessive swelling, seek immediate dental attention, as these might indicate an infection or another complication.

Remember, every individual heals differently, and some bleeding and discomfort are expected after tooth extraction near you. However, being vigilant about the healing process and following proper aftercare instructions can significantly reduce the risk of complications.

In conclusion

While some bleeding post-tooth extraction is normal, prolonged or excessive bleeding warrants attention. Understanding the potential causes and taking appropriate measures can aid in the healing process and ensure a smoother recovery. Always consult your dentist in NW Calgary for personalized guidance and care.

Royal Vista Dental Specializes in Less Harmful and Painful Tooth Extraction

Royal Vista Dental specializes in advanced techniques for minimally invasive and comfortable tooth extractions. Their expertise focuses on reducing discomfort and trauma during procedures, prioritizing patient comfort.

Utilizing state-of-the-art methods, they aim to make extractions less invasive and more gentle, ensuring a smoother experience and faster recovery for their patients.
