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How Long After Dental Implants Can I Eat Normally?

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how long after dental implants can i eat normally

Getting dental implants in NW Calgary involves a lengthy recovery process to guarantee success and grant patients a permanent smile. After the initial surgery, the new root implants need to complete osseointegration. This means the implant and the jawbone will attach and unite as a natural tooth root. This integration can take many months and is very important, as it acts as the base for the artificial tooth.

During this part of the process, a patient’s diet will need to be modified to prevent any complications. Your dentist in NW Calgary will ensure the implants are in good standing but taking care of the prosthetic at home is also important. After the healing process is finally over, patients may return to their regular diets since their new implants act like natural teeth.

Your Immediate Post-Surgery Diet

Dental implant surgery may come with an uncomfortable healing period. Your jaw may feel sore for 24 hours post-op, and although it may be difficult to eat, a healthy diet will promote fast recovery. Avoid eating hot foods and liquids; for example, choose a cold soup and juice instead. Smoothies and protein shakes are also good ways to get some nutrition. Some other food options for the first 24 include applesauce, bone broth, oatmeal and Greek yogurt. Ensure you are also drinking plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which can delay healing.

First Two Weeks of Recovery

Once the jaw pain has subsided, it may be easier for patients to introduce other nutritional foods into their diet. Protein will benefit a patient’s healing process during recovery because it promotes collagen and heals your jaw tissue. Scrambled eggs, chicken noodle soup, ground beef, tofu, and beef broth are great examples of how to eat protein without damaging your newly added implants. Consuming soft vegetables like mashed potatoes is a good idea also.

As your jaw and mouth recover, you will be able to gradually add foods that make up your regular diet. However, throughout the whole process, avoid crunchy, hard, and sticky foods. Returning to your regular diet can take between 3 to 6 months, but each case is unique and consulting with your dentist will give you a better timeline for your recovery. Ask a dentist near you for any recommendations if you are unsure what you should be eating.

What To Avoid During Dental Implant Recovery

Avoid using straws and eating fast food during recovery. Straws create suction and can cause bleeding. Fast foods, especially sugar, can disrupt healing and slow down the process. Avoid drinking carbonated drinks with sugar. Avoid spicy, acidic, chewy or crunchy snacks that may hurt your gums or get stuck in your teeth. In addition, any hot drinks such as tea, coffee or hot soups should be avoided as they can cause swelling and bleeding.

Although it may seem tedious, ensuring you have a good healthy diet and are not disrupting your dental implant’s healing process will be beneficial in the long run. The faster the healing is, the faster patients will be able to return to their normal routines.


A patient’s diet will have to be modified for the first few stages of healing and continue being observed for up to six months. Taking good care of your oral health with a healthy diet for a few months after your surgery will ensure implant longevity. A healthy diet will give your body the nutritional benefits to heal.

Are you interested in dental implants near you and want to learn more about the procedure? Our friendly staff at Royal Vista Dental is here to help answer any questions you may have. We provide various services to take care of your unique dental needs. Contact us today to book your next appointment.
