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When Can I Eat After Dental Implant Surgery?

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when can i eat after dental implant surgery?

Receiving dental implants is a very important decision that will allow you to recover a healthy and beautiful smile. However, getting implants is just part of the process. The aftercare is as important as the actual placement of the implants. This is because your new teeth will go through a process of osseointegration. This means they will consolidate with your jawbone.


This is a process that can take up to six months, meaning that you’ll have to be mindful of what you eat during this entire period. This is something your dentist in NW Calgary will emphasize on, as it’s instrumental for the success of the entire procedure. Moreover, there are certain things you should consider immediately after obtaining the implants.


An initial liquid diet


Don’t worry, the liquid diet should only be necessary to follow for 24 hours. This is to avoid damage to the area where the dental implant took place. This is an area that will be swollen and there might be some slight and normal bleeding. Therefore, after getting dental implants near you, you’ll want to stick to a liquid diet.


Something important here is to not use a straw. The sucking motion that comes with using a straw will generate pressure inside your mouth and it can hurt you and undermine the process. Also, avoid things that might have seeds, such as strawberry juice, and things that are too hot. You don’t want seeds to get lodged in the implant area, and the high temperatures would hinder the recovery process.


Evolving to soft foods


After the first day, you can include soft foods in your diet. When you have dental implants in NW Calgary you must stick to items such as puree, ice cream, soft bread, and pancakes. This way, you’ll avoid doing any harm to the implant area.


Avoiding crunchy items


For the next few months, you’ll need to avoid anything that might be too rough on your implant. This includes obvious things such as nuts, but also fruits such as apples and raw crunchy vegetables. As you undergo your regular assessments at the dental clinic near you, they will be able to tell you how the process of osseointegration is going. To promote proper fusing, you need to stick to mostly softer foods, but your diet doesn’t need to be as extreme as it was during the first week after acquiring the implant.


Some of the things you can include are muffins, pasta, scrambled eggs, mousse, milkshakes, oatmeal, watermelon, beans, eggplant, soft French toast, guacamole, and more. As you can see, there’s a wide variety of options, so you don’t have to be stuck with the same four boring options for this entire time.


Be free

After the six months have passed, the osseointegration process should be complete. It might be even faster than that if you have followed the instructions of your dentist in NW Calgary perfectly. Now, your implants are an integral part of your mouth, and you can go back to eating whatever you want, regardless of how crunchy or soft it is. Feel free to eat popcorn, nuts, apples, and even taffy. If you have any dietary restrictions due to other health issues, you should continue to avoid these foods.


Of course, you must keep adequate hygiene to maintain your implants and other teeth. Attend your check-ups regularly and book an appointment if you notice something concerning in regards to your dental health. Prevention is key to avoid losing any more teeth after undergoing the procedure for dental implants in NW Calgary. Let’s take care of that perfect smile that you now have!

Visit at: 8730 Country Hills Blvd NW #210, Calgary, AB T3G 0E2, Canada
